Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School is a Catholic Institution founded by the LA LIGA CATOLICA under the leadership of Doña Julia Vargas Vda. De Ortigas and signed into contract with the Congregation of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters who consented and accepted to manage the school on August 6, 1959.

In school year 1961-62, a permit for Grade  V & VI was granted where the first batch of elementary graduated in 1965. The same year a building for the high school department with 18 spacious classrooms was completed. The initial enrolment of 70 increased by 640 was a clear indication of progress and success of the institution.

In 1985, a non-stock, non-profit corporation was formed and was named DONA JULIA VARGAS VDA. DE ORTIGAS FOUNDATION, INC. In line with the desire and aspirations of the members of the LA LIGA CAOLICA which envisions a community of disciples, to achieve authentic Catholic Christian Education and keeping the humanitarian services to the poor. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School with the AR educators commits to carry on of a fully human, modern Filipino youth.

St. Augustine's Philosophy of Education

Education is a man's journey of knowing God who is the Eternal Truth and of loving Him who is Eternal Good.  To achieve this goal, man journeys restlessly in faith according to the example and teaching of Jesus Christ and through reason which is his natural gift from the Creator.

Augustinian Education aims to accompany young men and women who can integrate Faith and Reason in their personal lives in order to arrive at whatever is tru and develop moral values to enable them to live in loving harmony with others.

Through the guidance and example of parents and teachers, the Augustinian students must become increasingly aware of their responsibilities to fellowmen and readily contribute to the building of just and humane society where the Filipino people can journey together towards God.

Catholic Philosophy of Education

The Catholic philosophy of education is logically based on the Catholic philosophy of life which recognizes that every human being has an immortal soul with an eternal destiny, as well as, a moral body with an early existence.  Consequently, education to be complete must prepare the individual for his ultimate life and at the same time fit him for a successful career or gainful work as a member of society.  These basic principles necessarily determine the nature, objectives and aims of Catholic Education

Core Values